Five Hints for Writing Better Essays

Writing Essays

The main point of such kind of work is to develop writing the students’ writing skills and help them to create their own manner of self-expression. What is more, it’s very important to be able to express your point of view regarding a certain problem or communicate with somebody.

However, the word “essay” makes students confused and puzzled. They have no idea how to express their opinion on paper and create a profound work from all their thoughts. Moreover, students don’t know how to organize their time and the whole writing process.

While preparing myself for writing this essay, I have found the website which showed me how valuable a strong structure is in the process of essay writing. That’s why I decided to share a few helpful ideas for writing an essay with you.

Peep at Other People’s Essays

The same as with books, reading different essays on the similar topic may help you build a paper and create your own writing style. Moreover, you can read essays on the opposite topics in order to develop a certain technique of writing and find different ways of giving arguments. One of the most important things is to be critical while reading. Imagine what you would change in your paper or how persuasive and exact the writer is. It will help to balance your work.

Think About Essay’s Vocabulary

Don’t be shy to look the words up in the dictionary! Sometimes, students face the situation when they can’t explain something with one proper word, and thus, complicated constructions appear. Usage of dictionaries will help you to describe your opinion clearly and properly. What is more, a profound vocabulary will make you much more intelligent in the lecturer’s eyes.

Create a Scheme of Main Ideas

Organized thoughts are the key to success in essay writing. Don’t try to clear the space in your head – do it on paper. Write down the key ideas on the topic and find the relations between them. This technique will help you create a scheme of your future essay: the topic of the essay is in the middle and all the ideas are crowded around it and linked with the topic.

Use Quotes in Your Essays

A presence of quotes of famous people is a chance to show how intelligent and broad-minded you are. I’m totally sure that you have at least one favorite quote from your favorite book. So, if it is appropriate for your topic – use it! Sometimes, things that you are trying to say have already been said by the brilliant minds of the time. However, draw it mild! Wide usage of different quotations will hide you behind people’s back. Do it carefully and don’t be afraid to disagree with that quote.

Become a Proofreader

All people make mistakes, especially when it comes to writing. We may forget about grammar rules and punctuation existence in everyday speech. But when it comes to the academic writing, you have to check everything as you may make unconscious spelling or grammar mistakes and lose the logical connection between sentences. Such little mistakes may have a big impact on your grade. That is why you should check the essay for at least a few times, reread it or ask your friend or parents for help. There is also a team of essay writers online who can proofread your paper for a few dollars. Remember that proofreading always brings your work up to a certain level.

Finally, don’t forget about the whole structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion. A great essay has to be accurately organized. And the main tip: practice as much as you can! Without your will, nothing will help you write a great essay.

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