Mistakes to Avoid during an Exam

Exam appears to be stressful for a student and a lot of failures happen mostly for the reason of being too nervous. A plenty of factors may cause the student not achieving the expected results or the grade desired. That is why you should keep in mind the basic rules of how to behave during exam in order to be able to do your best and show your knowledge and skills.

  • Not reading the questions and tasks. Exam, students reading.

    One of the most typical issues during the exam is the student’s inattentiveness to the assignment. Usually, the question contains half of the answer – this is why you should study it carefully. Be sure that your professor does his/her best to make the task as clear as possible: for this reason you get long instructions and requirements to follow. Take them not as the limits to your creativity but as useful tips of how this task can be done better.

  • Not following the requirements.

    Even having read and studied the instructions, the students tend to leave them in their past and complete the assignment as they want it to be. Actually, some teachers can praise you for creativity but in most cases exams are about checking how effective you can be in following certain requirements.

  • Failing to plan your work.

    You should try to structure the work, which you are going to do during the process of completing the test or passing the exam. For example, if your task is to write an essay, make sure that you have got the plan for it, even if you do not have time to write an outline. The typical essay’s structure consists of an introduction, main body (with arguments and proofs in each body paragraph) and conclusion. Make sure that you do not forget to develop a proper thesis, which is a vital part of every paper.

    Also, you should plan how to distribute the time given on the exam to different assignments. Spend few minutes first assessing the whole work, which is needed to get done, and evaluate the most time consuming tasks.

  • Getting short of time.

    If you fail to plan your exam completion schedule you may run out of time in the middle of the task and get less than half possible points. It is better to go through all the questions and at least to do some work for each in order not to get zero points if you run out of time.

  • Multiple choice questions without an answer. List with questions, test

    This questions type is easy and tricky at the same time. Sometimes you can be lucky and just guess a correct answer, in certain cases it is possible to find out the correct option just with the help of your logic. In fact, most multiple choice questions are not too difficult – you should just be very attentive doing them. The trick of these questions is that they might be confusing: professors usually make answers that are very similar to each other and have just the minimum difference. In certain cases you may think that all variants are correct or there is no proper option. Whether you know the answer or not you should not leave the field blank – sometimes you can just guess the right answer.

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